Welcome to Mrs. McDaniel's Class Page. 

"This is a place to find something useful, try something new, or just have fun."
Because of the quarantine I have added some great virtual field trips. Stay healthy. Protect your friends and grandparents.
Visit the Animals
Visit Museums All Over the World for FREE
National Parks
NASA Ree Images
Lots of Places to see from this link
Reading Interventions
Math Interventions
Great Books for Adolescents to Listen or Read
LOOP Approved Web Sites
ESL Games

This is my multimedia bulletin board for the schools. I hope parents, students and colleagues will enjoy seeing our work.
2010 Podcasts are up and working finally! Check them out.
These students have really outdone themselves.
A very safe children's search engine.
Starwars Snowflakes (Also great NY Yankees Snowflakes and more!)
Go to this page to find your activities and templates.

Teacher websites:
Mr. Jazwiec, http://mrjazwiec.pbworks.com
Mrs. Deboer, http://computerkiddoswiki.pbworks.com
Ms. McDaniels, http://mrsmacsclass.pbworks.com
Mr. VanDyke, http://www.grsharedtime.com/pc-lab
Mrs. Riley, http://learnportwiki14.pbworks.com
Mr. Brindle http://shared-time.wikispaces.com/Computer+Classroom
Ms. Spreitzer www.jspreitzer.pbworks.com
Mr. Jazwiec, http://mrjazwiec.pbworks.com
Mr. Brindle (Shawnee Class Website 4th/5th Grade), http://brindlet.wikispaces.com
Mrs. Brundage, http://www.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?account=67998&clientWidth=0
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