
What is a forest?

The definition is fairly simple, a group of tree over an area of land.


A forest has 2 main characteristics

1. Large tract of land

2. Covered with trees and underbrush


There are way too many forests in the world to count.  We can also say it is unfortunate that we are losing forests every day.  There are a lot of different types of forests around the world such as rainforests, boreal, coniferous and deciduous.  In general though, forest landforms are made up of a lot of trees in a general area. 

Some of the most famous forests in the world include the rainforests of Brazil and Olympic national forest of the great state of Washington.  Both of these types grouping of trees are gorgeous in pictures and seen in person. 

Did you know the Taiga Forest is the largest forest in the world?  It extends from the upper most parts of Canada through Russia! 

How is a Forest Landform Created?

There are many ways a grouping of trees can be made.  People can make forest by planting a lot of trees over an area and have them developed into mature trees.  Forests can also occur naturally over time.  One tree can pop up through a seed and then create millions of other trees.  Types of forest can also compete.  Deciduous and coniferous forests compete often for land space by trying to outgrow the other for more sunlight.  

When speaking about landforms, a forest landform is one of the most exciting types to discuss in a conversation.


Forest Examples:
Olympic National Forest
The Rainforests of Brazil